Sunday, August 12, 2007

Book: Art Behind the Scenes by Joan Altabe

Behind the Scenes

One Hundred Old and Modern Masters: In and Out of Their Studios

Windstorm Creative’s
Full Spectrum Reference Books

Joan B. Altabe

Windstorm Creative
Bremerton ¤ Port Orchard ¤ Seattle ¤ Tahuya

What People Are Saying…

“It is easy to respond to a book on art history in this format. Featuring a
‘backstage’ section, the author breathes life into each artist’s story,
describing their goals, shortcomings and foibles – gathering enough
mishaps along with their achievements to let the reader – artist or
student – ‘meet’ the creative person along with his or her work. The
way Ms. Altabe hangs her hat on a choice limited to one hundred
makes it easy to grasp her distinct point of view – which allows, but
doesn't impose, opinion. Some of the alliteration – the ‘burly giants
buried beneath’ the writer’s brush makes me feel privileged to know
how much fun she found in the artists’ studios as they affected change,
inspired and shocked the world.

Art: Behind the Scenes begs the question, ‘what shall come next?’
What will be new? Therein lies the magic when these students, Altabe’s
students, are inspired to lift their graphite, or even (can I say it?)
mouse. Congratulations on a scholarly work with such a light touch.
Some art writers really kill art for those who want to learn about it.”

Elizabeth Case, former combat artist for the United States Navy
and animator for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty

“Joan Altabe's Art: Behind the Scenes is an engaging visit with one
hundred artists. She anchors the artists in a particular time period and
style, but goes on to give the reader much more than the usual
biographical facts by providing a context for each artist's life and work.
The most fascinating part of the book is "behind the scenes" where the
reader gains insight into the artist's intent and philosophy about making

The book is filled with wonderful anecdotes, obviously the product
of intensive research, and a passion for the subject.”

Nancy Roucher, Arts Education Consultant
and founding director of the Florida Institute for Art Education,
one of six institutes in the country with primary funding
from the Getty Education Institute for the Arts

What People Are Saying…

“This guidebook should be tucked under the arm of every museumgoer.
The artist-by-artist format is easy to access. Each entry offers an
overview of the artist's work, followed by insight into their personal life
and motivation.

It's like walking through the museum with the artist by your side.”

Sara Quinn, Design Faculty,

The Poynter Institute for Media Studies

"Behind the Scenes" is an invaluable sourcebook for students, artists,
curators and lovers of history. With a conversational style and an eye
for the quirky detail of the artists’ inner life, Altabe gives us an
accessible but engaging hybrid of gossip and historical fact…an
entertaining addition to any arts library.”

Christopher Skura, Chief Exhibits Preparator,

New York University/Grey Art Gallery

“In contrast to the serious, and, to the art neophyte, intimidating tone
of some scholarly works on art, Joan Altabe uses a light touch to
provide insight into both the artists and their work. She never bogs
down in arcane art terminology. Instead, art lovers of all levels will find
something useful, startling or amusing in each of the brief portraits of
old and modern masters.

Joan draws quotes from each artist's contemporaries, whether
friend, rival or patron, to further flesh out the lives and work of the
world's greatest artists.”

Susan Rife, Books Editor

Sarasota Herald-Tribune

Art: Behind the Scenes
One Hundred Old and Modern Masters: In and Out of Their Studios
© 2003 and published by
Windstorm Creative Limited

ISBN 1-883573-06-8
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
First Edition June 2004

Cover by Steve Moore
Interior Design by Sandy Van Densen and Cris DiMarco
Author Photo by Phil Diederich

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions
thereof in any form whatsoever, except in the case of short excerpts for
use in reviews of the book. Printed in the United States of America. For
information about film or other subsidiary rights, please contact Mari
Garcia at

Windstorm Creative is a multiple division, international organization
involved in publishing books in all genres, including electronic
publications; producing games, videos and audio cassettes as well as
producing theatre, film and visual arts events.

Library of Congress data on file.

Windstorm Creative
Post Office Box 28
Port Orchard, WA 98366